terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

JBoss EAP 6.1.0 is out

* For advantages and disadvantages of JBoss 7 (JBoss EAP 6) read Jboss 7: a love–hate relationship. *

The new version of JBoss EAP 6.1 was released yesterday (05/20/2013 10:08) and it includes lots of bug fixes and the following new features:

  • Global Valves in JBoss Web
    • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 offered the capability to configure a global valve for the web container. In 6.0 it was only possible to configure a valve on a single application basis. For JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 the global valve capability has been restored.
  • Improved Initial Context options for EJB Clients
    • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 provides a method to configure an InitialContext with a Map and create an EjbClientContext scoped to this particular InitialContext. The method also enables this configuration without dependencies on JBoss specific classes.
  • Passing Additional Information to the Authorization Module
    • In JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0 it was not possible to pass additional information to the authorization module, as Java EE Interceptors were not called until after the container interceptors, including the login module, were called. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 has added the capability to inject Java EE Interceptors into the container interceptor chain.
  • Security Context Propagation and User Switching
    • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 is providing Quickstarts to demonstrate to following capabilities:
      • ejb-security-interceptors - Demonstrates how interceptors can be used to switch the identity for EJB calls on a call by call basis.
      • ejb-security-interceptors - Demonstrates how Interceptors can now be injected into the server's interceptor chain to propagate security contexts from one EJB to another, and switch users of an EJB.
  • Enhanced System Property Substitution
    • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0.0 included property substitution as a capability of the attributes of the configuration, but the number of properties that were supported was limited. For JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.1 the number of attributes enabled for substitution has increased.
  • Deterministic Column Names with Hibernate
    • In earlier versions Hibernate was not using a deterministic algorithm to generate column aliases, limiting the benefit derived from the database cache. Aliases are now consistently named.

The most expected feature is the container interceptor. Please, see community docs for more details https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS72/Container+interceptors.

Here is JBoss EAP 6 component matrix :

ComponentEAP 6.0.0EAP 6.0.1EAP 6.1.0
JBoss AS7.1.2 Final7.1.3 Final7.2.0 Final
Rest Easy2.3.3.Final2.3.4.Final2.3.6.Final
Picketlink Federation2.1.1.Final2.1.3.Final2.1.6.Final
JBoss Modules1.1.2.Final1.1.3.Final1.2.0.Final
JBoss DMR1.1.1.Final1.1.1.Final1.1.6.Final
JBoss Metadata7.0.3.Final7.0.4.Final7.0.8.Final
JBoss XNIO3.0.4.GA3.0.7.GA3.0.7.GA
PicketBox Commons1.0.0.Final1.0.0.Final1.1.0.Final
Hibernate Core4.1.3.Final4.1.6.Final4.2.0.Final
Hibernate Infinispan (2LC)4.1.3.Final4.1.6.Final4.2.0.Final
Hibernate Envers4.1.3.Final4.1.6.Final4.2.0.Final
Hibernate Validator4.2.0.Final4.2.0.Final4.3.1.Final
Hibernate JPA 2.0 API1.0.1.Final1.0.1.Final1.0.1.Final
JBoss Web7.0.16.Final7.0.17.Final7.2.0.Final
IronJacamar (JCA 1.6)1.0.11.Final1.0.13.Final1.0.17.Final
JBoss Transactions4.16.4.Final4.16.6.Final4.17.4.Final
JBoss EJB Client1.0.10.Final1.0.11.Final1.0.21.Final
JBoss WS API1.0.0.GA1.0.0.GA1.0.0.GA
JBoss WS SPI2.0.3.GA2.0.4.GA2.1.2.Final
JBoss WS Common2.0.4.GA2.0.4.GA2.1.1.Final
JBoss WS Common Tools1.0.1.GA1.0.2.GA1.1.0.Final
JBoss WS-CXF4.0.4.GA4.0.6.GA4.1.3.Final
JBoss WS-Native (for jaxrpc only)4.0.4.GA4.0.6.GA4.1.1.Final
JBoss VFS3.1.0.Final3.1.0.Final3.1.0.Final
JBoss Remoting33.2.8.GA3.2.14.GA3.2.16.GA
JBoss Marshalling1.3.14.GA1.3.15.GA1.3.16.GA
JBoss SASL1.0.1.Final1.0.3.Final1.0.3.Final
JBoss Security Negotiation2.2.0.SP12.2.1.Final2.2.5.Final
JBoss Management Console1.3.1.Final1.4.2.Final1.5.2.Final
Netty (in HornetQ and Inifnispan)3.2.6.Final3.2.6.Final3.6.2.Final
JBoss Logging3.1.1.GA3.1.2.GA3.1.2.GA
Apache CXF2.4.6-redhat-12.4.9-redhat-22.6.6-redhat-3
Apache CXF XJC-Utils2.4.0-redhat-12.4.0-redhat-22.6.0-redhat-1
Apache WSS4J (for WS)
Application Platform 6.0.0 Apache Web Serverbased on Apache 2.2.17based on Apache 2.2.22based on Apache 2.2.22

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